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Tuesday, 18 November 2008 17:47

Safety Beach

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Safety Beach
MG's gather at Safety Beach Photos by Martin Stubbs. Transcript and video by Bill Hunter 
  Bees around a honey pot
In 1948 the MG TC was the sports car of the time.  As far as I can remember, you used to be able to tune them in 5 stages from mild to supercharged fury. Harry Firth, Graham Hoinville, and other gentlemen who had experience with the MG TC in those days, gathered at the Safety Beach Life-saving club rooms recently to recall some of their experiences.  Graham spoke about one time when he was driving a TC near Murchison, Victoria.  For some reason its original motor was out of the car, and an older one, borrowed from Harry Firth, had been fitted.  He was motoring along at the correct legal speed, when one of the new Holdens went roaring past him.  Two quite predictable events followed.  Graham took off at full speed to catch the cheeky bugger.  And at very high revs, the MG engine developed a death rattle. The engine was in need of repair, and that looked like being both difficult and costly, because the local Repco dealer didn’t have the right-sized bearings.  However, Graham did manage to find an old-timer who was good at re-metalling bearings, and work was begun straight away.  The method of determining the correct temperature of the molten metal was to put a piece of brown paper in the crucible, and when it came out charred, the metal was considered ready to pour. The now-repaired MG continued back to Melbourne, where the next day Harry raced it over a standing quarter mile, and set a time of 13 seconds.  Harry spoke up and corrected this, saying it was 13.6. Both men agreed that Davidson, Paterson, Whiteford, and Lukey all watched in disbelief.  
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  Chris Turdich's
ex-Davison vintage
 MG display  MG display from
the yacht club
 Attractive MG
followed us to
 Peter Gostelow's
1949 MG TC
racing car
 Sample Image  Sample Image  Sample Image  Sample Image  Sample Image
 Peter Gostelow
 Ex GP MG TC  Best MG on show  Graeme Steinfort's
ex- Les Murphy
1938 MG PA
 Brian Hussey's
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