Tuesday, 25 January 2011 03:36
in Marques

Wanderer - W6 - 1924

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Wanderer - W6 - 1924
The Wanderer is of German manufacture produced in the early 20s as one of the earlier designs of Doctor Porsche.  This car was imported into Melbourne as a chassis in 1924 and remained in bond until the early 60s.  It has a total mileage of 150 miles and was in the Davison family until 2008.  The car is now owned by Chris Terdich and keeps Chris's other 1924 Wanderer company, which was entered in Australian Grand Prix by Wagners the importers.    
It is one of 12 of these cars imported by the Wagner Brothers in Melbourne, George and Augustus Wagner running an engineering business and being well known as makers of power saws and general engineering manufacture.  The cars were difficult to sell, so soon after the First World War, due to the name "Wagner", the brothers being of German descent and because the car was made in Germany, they were left in the bond in packing cases until the surviving Wagner brothers decided in the early 60s to dispose of them at the price of 250 pounds.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         This car was acquired by Lex Davison, the Australian motor racing driver, and a body was built in Melbourne by Martin and King at the price of 87 pounds 10 shillings.  Lex Davison won the Australian Grand Prix in 1924 in an HWM Jaguar and in 1957 and 1958 in a Ferrari and again in 1961 in a Cooper, thus being the only driver to win the Australian Grand Prix four times.  He was sadly killed whilst motor racing and the Wanderer was kept by his wife Mrs Diana Gaze.                                                                                                                                                                                                              The car has four cylinders and is of 1300 cc capacity with a 100 mm/64 mm bore. It does not have any oil control rings fitted and may use a litre of oil every 500 km plus what leaks out! As there is no lubrication to the sophisticated roller tappets they require lubricating using the oil can on the firewall. It is also fitted with roller cam followers. It has a crossflow cylinder head and updraft carburetor. Fitted with a water pump in leather cone clutch connected to a three speed plus reverse crash gearbox. The brakes consist of a foot operated transmission brake and hand operated rear wheel drum brakes. Tyres are clincher type and held on the rims with 65 pounds per square inch pressure.                                                                                                                                                                      There is a fourth pedal on the floor which opens a valve to produce a straightout exhaust just below the manifold, possibly to reduce back pressure when starting. The car is also fitted with an exhaust heated manifold operated by a lever on the manifold. The accelerator pedal is in between the brake and clutch pedals. The seats are leather. The main body is aluminium with a steel bomber. The Wanderer car company joined with Horch, DKW and Audi to form Auto Union which is now known as Audi.  

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