Thursday, 11 September 2008 15:57

V.S.C.C. Prescott Hillclimb - 2nd/3rd August 2008

Written by  Carol Corliss
V.S.C.C. Prescott Hillclimb - 2nd/3rd August 2008
This event could only happen in England, the camping, picnics, some delectable old cars and mellow evenings nursing a glass (Orange juice, of course). Couple that with the fierce compulsion to go up that hill quicker than your peers and you have the recipe for a weekend that is the vintageants idea of heaven. This summer being a little less soggy than last year, the local villages had not been flooded out and therefore the possibility of accessing the venue by boat did not arise.   
There was a good entry for the meeting with the usual contingent of Edwardians which are always good spectator sport. One new addition to their numbers was Dave Biggins with his newly completed 1913 Daimler Mercedes.

The early morning rain on the Saturday made practice a little hairy and one minor casualty was Mike Marshall in his T35B Bugatti. Being a prominent member of the Bugatti Owners’ Club, he probably found going off at Pardon slightly embarrassing but apart from minor dents to the undertray and his pride, no serious damage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Three ERAs had turned up, R4D owned and being driven by Mac Hulbert, Donald Day’s R14B which he shared driving with Paul Richardson who proceeded to go faster than the boss – bad career move Paul! There was Terry Crabb who is still on a learning curve with ex- Bill Morris’s ERA R12C. The ERA party was spoiled yet again by James Baxter in that class who goes indecently fast in the single seater Frazer Nash and took the honours including Fastest Time of the Day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Good news for Alfa enthusiasts like yours truly. There were several Alfas entered: The 2.9 P3 of Matt Grist, he and his father Paul sharing the driving, the newly acquired ex Roger Saul P3 belonging now to Alexander and Allan Rippon, father Tony was enthusiastically assisting in the team pit area. Andy Johnson had brought the Monza from Northern Ireland and made it a family affair with father Michael out in the latest acquisition, a 1750 Gran Sport.                                                                                Other son Dermott was driving another 1750 Gran Sport and yet another 1750 Gran Sport competing was Roger Buxton. Alex Pilkington although entered with her 1750 Alfa Romeo Gran Sport from 1930 but did not show due to gearbox problems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ex-President of the Club, Roger Collings, turned up in the most gloriously disreputable looking 4.5 Bentley which had belonged to the late Rt Honourable Alan Clarke MP.  Do look at the pictures.  With the multitude of over-restored cars around it is so refreshing to have this around.                                                                                                                                                                                          If you are the type that cannot be bothered to travel to this distant corner of Gloucestershire, then the story of the couple from France should put you to shame. This delightfully excited couple from Nimes had been promising themselves a trip to Prescott for 15 years. This year, they flew to Heathrow, caught a train to Cheltenham, found a B & B, caught the 7.10 a.m. bus as far as the lane end at Gotherington and walked in the rain to Prescott. They were full of enthusiasm and counted to long wet walk as well worth the effort.                                                                                                       Yet again a memorable weekend full of good cars, great company and a well organised meeting, thank you V.S.C.C.                                                                                                                                                    Pictures by Carol Corliss      
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