Monday, 11 April 2011 22:55

Tethercars in Melbourne

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Tethercars in Melbourne
From: Warren Evans   I first saw tether cars run In Melbourne in the mid 1950’s at the Exhibition Building in Carlton at a model fair . The cars were run In The Great Hall.The sound stayed in my memory  until 10 years ago when I read an article in “Rod And Custom” Magazinethat triggered my memory .Since then I have taken on the tethered car hobby and now have over 30 cars that  inlude Doolings. McCoys, Bunches, Kings, Morrisons, B.B.Corns, Satans, Dallaires, Rowells, Popp and several customs and one-offs.I find It an Interesting hobby and tried to get a trrack going in Melbourne .But to no avail  The only people interested had nomoney or were not prepared to put up any. as I was.They have no real Interest in the hobby but only want to make a quid out  of it. Here are some photos of  my collection of tether cars .and my 1938 Hinman Sprint Car.I also have a half built tether car portable track, 35 foot In diameter.I will keep In touch as I hope to have the track running  later this year. 
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                                                         Above: The 1938 Hinman Sprint Car.
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Read 4018 times Last modified on Monday, 21 May 2012 17:14